Cheatham County 911

Cheatham County Mayor's Office Non-emergency: (615) 792-2098 |
Linda Nichols, Director
Mission Statement
The responsibility of the Cheatham County Emergency Communications Center is to provide professional, rapid, and efficient emergency communications between the citizens of Cheatham County and the Public Safety agencies that serve them.
Text Alerts
If you would like to receive alerts from Cheatham County 911, please text your zip code to 888777 or sign up on
Calling 911: Tips and Advice
- Your safety or wellbeing is in danger
- You believe there is a threat to you or someone else’s life
- You see somebody hurt/injured
- You see a crime in progress
- You see a severe motor vehicle accident
- You see a fire
- You hear someone screaming for help
- You hear gunfire
- You need directions
- You need to speak with an officer/firefighter/paramedic
- You want to see if someone is in jail
- You need a copy of a police report
- You need weather information
- You have a power outage
- Location of the incident and nearest cross street
- Type of incident
- Name of caller
- Phone number you are calling from
- When the incident occurred
- Number of people involved
- Is anyone injured?
- Number of vehicles involved (if applicable)
- If you need law enforcement, fire or EMS, call 911
- When calling 911, do your best to stay calm and answer all of the dispatcher’s questions
- Help the 911 dispatcher help you
- Know the location of the emergency
- Teach your children how to properly call 911
- Making prank calls to 911 wastes time, uses resources, and is illegal.
- If you do call 911, even by mistake, do not hang up the phone
- Post your address clearly and prominently at the entrance to your home, as well as on your home/business
- Know the phones you own
You should call 911 if…
You should NOT call 911 if…
What will a dispatcher ask you when you dial 911?
Other tips
About Us
- The 911 Center is Governed by the Cheatham County 911 Board
- Chairman: Brian Biggs
- Vice Chairman: Scott Wilcutt
- Secretary: Adam Wright
- Members:
- Shannon Heflin
- Will Herbert
- Tim Binkly
- BJ Hudspeth
- James Gupton
- The Director of the 911 Center is Linda Nichols
- The 911 Center has three Watch Commanders
- Courtney Proctor
- Donna Wilson
- Jesse Paulson
- The Cheatham County 911 Center employs 16 full-time dispatchers, which work 12 hour shifts
- Training is a 14-week program in which trainees must complete the following:
- Public Safety Telecommunication Certification (40 hours)
- Emergency Medical Dispatch (24 hours)
- National Crime Information Computer (16 hours)
- National Incident Management System Courses
- Missing and Exploited Children training
- Criminal Justice Information Systems Security training
- 24 hours of continuing education units per year for recertification
- Applications can be picked up at the 911 Center
- Addressing Office: (615) 792-1214
- All addresses are assigned by the Cheatham County 911 Mapping Department
- Please post your street address so that first responders can locate you easily in an emergency. Numbers should be at least 3 inches in height and be reflective. They should be posted at the end of your driveway, as well as on your house/business.