Veterans Services


Bob Counter



Veterans Services
Sycamore Center
322 Frey Street
Ashland City, TN 37015
(615) 246-1477 Phone
(615) 246-1478 Fax
Email Veterans Services

Cheatham County Veterans Service Facebook

Office Hours:
Monday -Thursday 
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

 **Due to the rise of COVID-19 cases, masks are required to enter our office until further notice.**

Places We Can Meet:
Pleasant View City Hall
South Cheatham Library
Home Visits for the Housebound

Cheatham County Veterans Service Office



The mission of the Cheatham County Veterans Service Office is to provide veterans, widows and their dependents counsel and assistance in filing for benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office.

  • Disability Compensation, Pension Compensation
  • Death Benefits
  • Education Benefits
  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Medical and Dental Treatment
  • Insurance and Home Loan Benefits




Eligibility for most VA benefits is based on discharge from Active military service under other than dishonorable conditions for a minimum period specified by law. Active service generally means full-time service as a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or as a commissioned officer of the Public Health Service, the Environmental Services Administration or the National Oceanic ad Atmospheric Administration.


Wartime Service


Certain VA Benefits and Medical Care require wartime service.  As specified by law, VA recognizes the following wartime periods:

  • World War I: April 6, 1916 - November 11, 1918; for veterans who served in Russia: April 6, 1917-April1, 1920, extended through July 1, 1921, for veterans who had at least one day of service between April 6, 1917 and November 11, 1918
  • World War II: December 7, 1941-December 31, 1946
  • Korean War: June 27, 1950 - January 31, 1955
  • Vietnam Era: August 5, 1964-May 7, 1975 (For those in-country February 28, 1961-May 7, 1975)
  • Persian Gulf: August 2, 1990 - date to be set by Congress and Presidential proclamation or concurrent resolution



Important Documents to Keep


There are important papers and copies of public documents that you should save and protect for your future use.

  • DD-214, Report of Transfer or Discharge
  • Certificate of Discharge
  • Certificate of Service-any papers associated with Active Duty, such as orders to and from active duty, vouchers, warrants, commissions, diplomas, citations, etc.
  • Social Security Information
  • Family Records, such as marriage license, birth certificates, death certificates, divorce decree(s), guardianship or custody evidence, adoption papers, and any other permanent records



Pension Eligibility


For a Veteran to be eligible to receive Non-Service Connected Pension benefits, he/she must have served at least (1) day during a period of war and (90) days on active duty.

For Guard & Reserve Service, (24) months active service is required (see Wartime Service dates).