Economic & Community Development

Economic & Community Development 328 Frey Street Ashland City, TN 37015 (615) 792-2379 |
Gina Anzaldua, Director
About Cheatham County | Community Data Profile | Visit the Cheatham Connect Website
Gina Anzaldua started with Economic and Community Development January 1st, 2021. Anzaldua worked under her mentor Jerome Terrell for two and a half years. She was promoted to Director July 1st , 2023. Jerome Terrell retired from his position as Director after 5 years. In 2024 Anzaldua graduated from the Tennessee Economic Developer Program earning her certification for Economic and Community Development.
Anzaldua worked for the Cheatham County Chamber of Commerce from 2016-2020. She says that working for the Chamber put her in connection with the County and its businesses, allowing her to build multiple relationships over the years. Anzaldua graduated from the Leadership Cheatham County program as well as the Leadership Middle Tennessee Program. She currently serves on the Cheatham County Kids Board and loves to volunteer to help her county.
Gina can be reached at the JECD office located at 328 Frey Street, Ashland City or call (615) 792-2379.