Election Commission - Be a Poll Worker
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What is a Poll Worker?
Poll workers perform a valuable community service by assisting voters at the precinct polling sites on Election Day. For every county wide election, the Cheatham County Election Commission relies on approximately 100 poll workers to staff the 8 polling places and Early Voting Sites in our county.
Poll worker duties include ensuring that voters are at the correct precinct, verifying voter registration by electronic means, issuing ballots, giving voting instructions, operating the voting equipment, and maintaining orderly conduct at the precinct.
Who can be a Poll Worker?
Any registered voter in Cheatham County may apply to be considered for a position. Election laws are becoming more and more complex, so having skilled poll workers has become even more critical. Poll workers must be conscientious persons, dedicated to protecting the electoral process. The election commission may appoint as an election official a person who has reached the age of seventeen (16) years who is a resident of Cheatham County.
Poll Worker Requirements
- Registered Cheatham County Voter
- Read, write and communicate in English
- Have access to online training
- Be able to lift 40 lbs
- Be able to work a 12 to 4 hour day
- Be available on Election Day
- Enjoy working with people
How long do I work on Election Day?
Election day hours typically are from 6:30 a.m. until approximately 7:30 p.m. Voting hours are 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
What will I be paid for being a Poll Worker?
Rates of pay for Election day are:
- Election Day Officer: $200.00
- Election Day Worker: $150.00
- Early Voting Worker: $65.25 per day or $30.00 for 3 hours
- Nursing Home Registrars: $25.00 per nursing home
- Absentee Counting Board: $100.00
- Training for all workers: $15.00
How can I become a Poll Worker?
If you wish to become a poll worker, you can download the application and email the application (vote@cheathamcountytn.gov) to our office or call the Cheatham County Election Office at (615) 792-5770 to give us your name and address. You can also submit your application by fax to (615) 792-2014. Our staff will contact you to notify you about training and available jobs.