Frequently Asked Questions - County Clerk


The cost is $80.00 for a car or truck $40.00 for a motorcycle.
$12.00 for a title, $11.00 to record a lien, $80.00 for a standard license plate, plus any Tennessee State Sales Tax that has not been paid.
Yes. A specialty plate will cost $116.00 each year. The cost for hire or J plates (farm) varies according to weight and load capacity.
Yes, you must purchase a decal showing proof of Cheatham County wheel tax. If the time is not expired on you registration, we will pro rate your wheel tax.
Yes, but you must fill out a gift form.
The Clerk’s Office does not have specific age requirements, but most insurance companies do.
$43.00 with a notarized Certificate of Counseling, $103.00 without counseling.

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Submit your question to Cheatham County Government.